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5th SADC Groundwater Conference 2022
PowerPoint Presentations
- An overview of pans in the Khakhea – Bray Transboundary Aquifer – Gomo, M., Ngobe, T.
- Development and Application of SDG 6.3.2 Groundwater quality methodology: A case study of South Africa – Ramusiya, F,. Lalumbe, L.
- Identification and delineation of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) in the Khakea-Bray Transboundary Aquifer interfacing Botswana and South Africa using geospatial techniques -Rampheri, M., Dube, T., Dondofema, F., Dalu, T.
- Mapping the extent of water salinity in the shoreline aquifers: Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi – Banda, T.; Dulanya, Z.; Manda, B.; Larson, T.; and Mwathunga, E.
- Special session: Reporting on groundwater resources under the SDGs in the SADC member States – Arnaud Sterckx, IGRAC
- Challenges of surface and groundwater information gaps in the practice of Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa – Mlilo, P., Mamba, S., Mandaza, K.
- Special session: Groundwater for Socioeconomic Transformation – Groundwater Country Support Tool (CST) Results of The Namibian Pilot
- Improving the hydrogeological conceptual understanding of the Khakhea Bray Transboundary Aquifer – M. Gomo and T. Ngobe
- Microbial functions and dynamics in semi-arid wetland temporary pans of the Khakhea Bray Transboundary Aquifer region quantified using metagenomics – Tafara Frank Bute, Ryan Wasserman, Adam Wyness, Tatenda Dalu
- Assessing chlorophyll-a and nutrient concentration dynamics in temporary pan systems along a human population gradient – Mungenge, C., Wasserman, R., Dondofema, F.,Keates, C., Masina, F., Dalu, T.
- Comparative Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Rural Areas of Lilongwe, Malawi: transforming lives by leveraging water supply – Munthalia, G., Chidya, R,.Gondwe; U., Banda, T., Chunga, B.
- Groundwater Finance study in Namibia – Dr. Nambata Namweya (UNAM), Namibia
- Geophysical Investigation in the Khakhea-Bray Transboundary Aquifer – Thandeka Ngobe, Prof.Modreck Gomo
- Invited talk: Dangers of proposed uranium mining in the transboundary Stampriet Artesian Basin – Miller, R., Consulting Geologists
- From the Science to The Practice of Groundwater Management: What Should We Do Better? – James Sauramba
- Assessment of radionuclide levels in drinking water from communities in the West Rand region of Gauteng Province – Mohuba, S., Abiye, T.
- Community-based reliance on groundwater and opportunities for transboundary livelihood and SMME support in the Pafuri-Sengwe Node of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area – Storie, M., Theron, P., Itimu, L., Nxumalo, N., Pietersen, K., Riddell, E., Moyer, S
- Groundwater recharge estimation along a precipitation gradient – a Northern Namibian case study – Hamutoko, J., Wanke, H.
- Role of Hydrogeophysical methods in enhancing groundwater potential assessment in crystalline basement aquifers with some case studies from in Southern Africa – Muchingami, I., Kanyerere, T., Hlatywayo, D.
- Spatio–temporal variation of species diversity in groundwater-dependent ecosystems – Mpakairi, K., Dube, T., Dondofema, F., Dalu, T.
- Verifying the extent and role of transboundary aquifer services in the Pafuri- Sengwe Node of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park – Storie, M., Theron, P., Itimu, L., Nxumalo, N., Pietersen, K., Riddell, E., Moyer, S
- Discerned Access: Underutilized groundwater potential for improving livelihood in Ngara District, Tanzania- Brown Gwambene and Estella Mgala
- Closing Session: African Voices from the UNESCO Groundwater Youth Network: Developing Modalities for Co–creating Knowledge, Gender Equilibrium and Responses in Face of Present and Future Groundwater Challenges
- Closing session: Messages to the Groundwater Summit and UN Water Conference: Chief Rapporteur Kawawa Banda
- Closing Session: Key-note speaker: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and enhancing access to water by strengthening the governance framework: Alice Aureli
- Assessing the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge at Palla Road Aquifer, Botswana – Gaboiphiwe, K., Petros, A., Stromgren, J.
- Closing Session: The Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa – Riccardo Zennaro, Avantika Singh.
- Assessment of groundwater potential of the kalahari aquifers in kavango east and West regions, Namibia – Anna David, Tamiru Abiy
- Building climate resiliency into rural water supply infrastructure in Namibia – Kambinda, N., Bittner, A., Grögli, S.
- Discerned Access: underutilised groundwater potential for improving livelihood in Ngara District, Tanzania
Gwambene, B., Mgala, E. - A multi-disciplinary geophysical approach to groundwater exploration: A case study in Northern Cape – Sekiba, F., Sakala, E.
- Radionuclide baseline in the existing and proposed uranium mines in the Uranium province, Erongo Region, Namibia – Gustavo, E., Bittner, A.
- Geophysical and geotechnical assessment of the Metsimotlhabe alluvial aquifer, South-Eastern Botswana – Moidaki, M., Ranganai, R., Mosweu, O., Kenabatho, P., Mathias, S
- Groundwater Management in Mozambique: Challenges and Opportunities
- Multi-agent value co-creation in rural water supply in South Africa -Sakala, E.
- Statistical analysis of long-term trends groundwater levels data from 1970 to 2004 in the Vaal River Basin, South Africa – Masindi, K.
- Triggering social accountability for failed groundwater supply infrastructure in rural Malawi: Chiradzulu case study – Kumwenda, S., Nhlema, M., Ngwira, G., Banda, P., Nyasulu, T.
The conference is organised into four sub-themes to support the central theme: